More Beauty, Less Waste!
Every year Natura transforms tons of waste into beauty products. An immense volume of plastic, paper, and glass is collected every day and then transformed into ecological packs that look beautiful inside and outside. Beautiful because they combine aesthetics and functionality with the least environmental impact possible. Beautiful because they are based on a history of respect for the families involved, in all links of the harvest chain. Trash can be turned into beauty!
Reducing the impact of waste on the environment is one of our commitments. It is no coincidence that Natura pioneered the use of refills more than 30 years ago. We prioritize packaging that uses materials that are recyclable and from renewable origin.
Reducing the impact of waste on the environment is one of our commitments. It is no coincidence that Natura pioneered the use of refills more than 30 years ago. We prioritize packaging that uses materials that are recyclable and from renewable origin.
Every year, 31 million of 1 liter PET bottles are no longer thrown out. They are renewed as packaging for our cosmetics. We were also the first company in Brazil to adopt recycled glass in fragrances. What used to be trash is now beauty.
Positive impact: Natura’s sustainable recycling chain
We operate in a business model that offers the most using the least, always reducing excesses. But we want to do a lot more than this. We want to be part of a movement that changes history. That influences laws on new ways to handle trash. That, in addition to respect, ensures profitability and prosperity for waste picker families.
These families, cooperatives, and companies, all together, collect and reduce the disposal of waste on the planet. Natura is aware that a company is made of people, and that all of them are important links in a sustainable recycling chain capable of transforming Socio-Environmental challenges into business opportunities and beauty.
Brazilian Natura Elos Programme guarantees traceability by approval of all the suppliers and by reverse logistics. This generates greater value and empowers all the links in the packaging chains. This is Natura’s way of recognizing this collective effort in constant evolution means we can do a lot for the world if we have people like you on our side.
These families, cooperatives, and companies, all together, collect and reduce the disposal of waste on the planet. Natura is aware that a company is made of people, and that all of them are important links in a sustainable recycling chain capable of transforming Socio-Environmental challenges into business opportunities and beauty.
Brazilian Natura Elos Programme guarantees traceability by approval of all the suppliers and by reverse logistics. This generates greater value and empowers all the links in the packaging chains. This is Natura’s way of recognizing this collective effort in constant evolution means we can do a lot for the world if we have people like you on our side.
• Plastic •

• Glass •

• Resin •

Client: Natura
Executive Production: Renato Winnig / Marcel Vieira
Photographer: João Ávila
Mockups: Malcom Oakley
Creative Retouching: Fernando Arrais