A journey to the depths of the earth with doses of science and spirituality. In fundamental contact with nature, derived from the subtle observation of the importance of fungi in the renewal of all existence and in its healing powers, Sauer introduces its mind-blowing new collection stemming once again from Stephanie Wenk’s vast creative inner universe.

.:)  toadstool  (:.

.:)  blob (:.

.:)  oyster  (:.

.:)  psilocybin  (:.

.:)  mycelium  (:.

.:)  spore  (:.

.:)  truffle  (:.

.:)  morilles  (:.

.:)  lichen  (:.

.:)  ergot  (:.

.:)  lactatius indigo  (:.

.:)  reichi  (:.

.:)  armillaria  (:.

Client: Sauer
Photographer: João Ávila
Art Direction: Beatriz Praisler
Creative Retouching: Fernando Arrais

.:)  thanks for watching  (:.

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